Thursday, May 08, 2014

A big city cinema date trip.

I "almost have a boyfriend" (I still don't know how I feel about him). We were dating in my surroundings all the time so I decided I should go somewhere closer to the city he lives in at least once. I was holding back for long, about 2 months (well, he counted the time, not me...) but last week I finally agreed we should go on a date in Katowice (a big Polish city about 40km from my house) to see a movie in a cinema in incoming Sunday. Just thinking about it was making me anxious so I only checked the time a bus comes from the bus stop and what stop it stops in the city so I can get there and told the guy to prepare the rest of plan. Then I prevented myself from thinking about it. I just put in my head to "Sunday you get inside a bus at 13:30 and come back home using the bus at 19:30 or 20:10" and buried all worries so "I will deal with it when it happen, no need to worry in advance". It wasn't a nice strategy but there was just too much unknown to plan  everything so I had to prepare myself to "expect unexpectable". 

Anyway, finally the Sunday come and I got to the bus stop. It was 13:28, bus was not there yet. I started to worry maybe I got too late (I even checked the bus plan to make sure the bus really starts at the 13:30). Bus come two mins later. I successfully entered it and took the best sit - near the driver so I could see the road. Bus moved. It was 13:32. Suddenly I got anxious - I realized I didn't check the bus designation - I entered it just because it looked like it should and it come on time but what if 2 exactly alike buses were supposed to start about the same time from the same stop? Fortunately soon I calmed myself. It was stupid. After all I checked the buses plan no longer than 4 mins ago and I could say there is no other bus starting at this hour (photographic memory). So there we go. I texted the boy: "I am in the bus, I will be there as planned." and tried to have fun with the trip or at least stay calm so he won't see a shutdown when I get out of the bus in a hour :D . 

It wasn't easy. The bus was loud itself and there was also a loud music in it. What's worse one of the passengers decided to talk through his phone the whole time. Very distracting. Once he got out in a few stops I actually could hear how SILENT it become even though the car and radio were still way to loud for my taste. I was happy with my sit for a long time - I could focus on the road imagining I am driving my own car with no people around. I was also telling myself that if something is gonna happen to the bus (an accident) I will see it fast enough to react. But soon the bus started to become crowded and there were people staying above me. And every passenger coming and leaving was passing my spot. Not fun at all. Most of the people were pissing me off but once I got quite interested. Not with someone but with someones jacket. The material looked like a perfect stim toy for me, I had to use a lot of my will not to touch it. 

Ok. So after a hour I finally get to the city. I got out of the bus. The boy was already waiting for me. I gave him a hug and he started a conversation. The sense of what he said was getting to me with a delay but nce I realised he said the bus was late I started to wonder out loud how they make the plan since the car was moving quite fast and there was no traffic - I couldn't imagine how the bus would be on time on a regular day. I was focusing at nothing but my words. Call it a well holded shutdown. All my senses were temporary out and all signals were going to me with a delay but I could speak and it made sense. Not bad at all. 

After a few mins I got back to myself and realized I have no idea where I am and how I got there. I didn't even have a clue where the bus stop is. I could only hope the guy knows where we are going and won't leave me like this. I was definitely lost. Fortunately soon I started to realize the surroundings - after all I checked the google maps looking for the bus stop so ... well, call it my photographic memory again. Anyway. I wasn't so lost anymore. 

The guy showed me some places. I wasn't really interested or even recording too much but it was a nice walk. I focused on telling him about the trips I was at back in high school and how we were lost and I found the way. You could call it a show off but soon we turned a wrong way and the boy said we need to return to the main street because we were supposed to turn next street and I asked him "Why? This way we also can get there, this way is just parallel to the main street." and then successfully leaded him event though it was my 1st time there. Then we ended up on the street he wanted us to get to. Photographic memory. 

Then we got to the cinema. Well, not really. We got near the building where the cinema - and a whole shopping center was. He told me we have to make a round around the building to get to the cinema but I told him there must be an enterace to the cinema through the shopping center. So we entered it. A lot of people, a lot of stuffs, a lot of sounds - sensory overload. But ok, no problem. I was focused - "I must find the cinema" so I was able to hold the sensory issues on leash, at least for the time. I went straight to the spot where I supposed the cinema is.I was never there but if the boy was sure we have to pass the whole building then it must have been the right choice. We got at the end of the store. Used the moving stairs, 1st floor, 2nd floor, 3rd floor. "Hmm... I can't see the cinema anywhere" - the boy said, looking around. "There." - I answered showing him the stairs to 4th floor. So I was right. The cinema was there. 

We went for the tickets. The ticket price 24PLN, I gave him 30PLN to pay for me, he did. He had a trouble thinking how much he is supposed to give me back - he ended up with 2PLN+5PLN coins in hand (he apparently prepared 25PLN for his ticket, paid 50PLN and got 2PLN back). So I looked in my wallet, got a 1PLN, gave it to him and took the 7PLN, honestly, 25-24=1, 30-24=6, 7-6=1. Is math that hard? 

We had 30 mins till the movie so we decided to check the shops. But first I had to go to the restroom. Finding it wasn't so hard - the icons were not too intuitive for me and the restroom was hidden deep in a corridor but it was fine enough - but getting to know what to do there was harder. :D I enter the sinks-room... so LIGHT! My poor eyes. Well. Whatever. Gotta pee, no need to worry about too much light in a room. Another problem - 3 doors (4 including the ones I got in through), all the same, all closed, no icons on them. I'm stuck, no idea what to do. What if I end up in a service only room or something? Before I decided which doors to try 2 girls passed me and went straight to the doors on the other side of the room - so it had to be the right choice. Honestly, they should have a icon. I entered the restroom. 14 colorful doors, all closed, with locks. Which one to choose? Oh, right. I know the trick. The taken ones should have a red dot on the lock! Ok, got one. <opening>. Uff, I was right, there is noone behind those. Here we go. Enter, lock, check lock, check lock again, put some toilet paper on the desk, pee, stand up... <the toiled pushed the water itself> Stupid toiled, it stace the hell out of me. There is a camera or something? Preverts... Nah, it can't be it,there must be just a detector. Whatever, not like I care. Open lock, open... door? WTF? The door won't open! Ok... calm down, calm down. Think, what might be wrong? The lock is open, right? How about the handle? It's round, the doors should be push and go... Hmm, maybe not. <spins, door open> Ok. So it was the trick. 
Now the sinks. <entering the bright sinks-room again>. Ok, here is the soap. Does it gets out itself or do I have to push like I do with the soap in my home? <pushes, soap gets out> Hmm, what a surprise, usually they require some weird tricks. Ok. Now the water. Do I push it too? Lets hope so. <pushes, nothing happens, looks closely, see a handle> So perhaps it is the trick? <spins the handle, nothing happens> Oops, not it either... Anyway, what did I just do? I didn't broke anything, right? And noone seen me? ... Well, perhaps it is one of those pacs. <pac the tap, nothing happens>. Nah. So it has to be the close up, where is the detector? <sees a darker dot on the tap, closes hand to it, the water runs>. Ok. So it was the trick. Man,  there should really be a tutorial or something. Now I have to dry my hands. <looking around for a towel, sees only a hot air dryer> Yeah, the hell like I am using this scary machine <takes out a tissue of her backpack and uses it as a towel>. Ok, free to go. I honestly hate restrooms like that. <looks around, see 4 identical doors>... Crap, where was the exit again? <someone enters> Ok. Here it is. Kate, focus, this is the door you entered here. Remember? 

So I am outside. I said sorry to the boy that it took me so long (and explained I almost got lost in there xD) and we took a walk around the centre. I was looking for some food but there was literally nothing I knew. There was some weird and expensive food and there was no regular shop, just coffees and a candy shop with candies I never eat before. After a while I told the boy I give up and I will just eat some of the food I got in my backpack so we just should go to the cinema floor. We got only 10 mins left so we could as well go to the room already. When going on the moving stairs again I got anxious for a while since the stairs were making a funny shop. "The stairs are going to break soon, can you hear the cracking sound" I laughed to hide my fear. 

We got there. "We have to go to room 5, I can see rooms 6,7,8,9 but not 5" - the boy said. "The room is right there" - I answered without looking much around, I could clearly see the number 5 on one of walls. "But the way seem to be closed" - I continued <looking around> - "Ok, we have to go this way, I can see a passage to the other side on the way to rooms 6,7,8,9. And there is a guy standing there, probably he is the one checking tickets, but he looks more like a security service". So we went there, we showed the tickets and the guy told us where to go. It was exactly the way I figured out. So I lead us to the room (btw, its funny how I figure out everything most of the time but how I can feel lost in a stupid restroom). 

We went there, we sat (I was the first who figured out where ore sits are), I ate some cake I brought with me (then I relized maybe I should give him some - but hell, I was hungry and the cake was small xD) and the movie (or rather ads, 25 mins of ads -_-) started. Soon I realized the screen is too big and too bright and the sound is way too loud. The sits also were not too comfortable. And it was quite cold there. Sensory issues finally started to piss me off, huh? Oh, well, it had to end this way. I have to deal with it, its not like I go to the service and tell to make the screen darker, keep the sound down and turn on a heater, right? :D Also - the boy decided to try something and put his arm at my shoulder (at least he asked first and I agreed so point for him) - but it wasn't comfortable for me (his arm was too heavy) and certainly for him neither because he gave up before I suggested. I wonder if the sensory issues was too much or I just don't like his touch. 

The movie was nice ("Divergent") and I had fun watching it but I have to say the quality wasn't good at all. I bet they prepared the movie for 3D but we were watching it 2D. There were definitely some cues usual for 3D - many close ups, stuff disappearing at the end of screen and what's important - small depth of focus. For someone who usually see "too much" the strong but focused on just one thing visual stimulation wasn't too comfortable. I was keep trying to see what is in the fog behind the characters. This, plus the screen bright and the loud sound got me a terrific headache. 

After the movie finished I dreamed of nothing but to "Get the hell out of there". I walked out of the cinema fast and almost run through the shopping center. "Finally, fresh air!" - I said, wondering what now. I could say another shutdown is coming. The boy lead me to a busy street, I had no idea where we are and where we are going again. My head hurt badly, I was overstimulated, I wanted to go home, and I was... hungry - that I realized seeing a McDonald sign. "You know what I feel like I want? A cheeseburger!" - I said and we turned to the "restaurant". I ordered a cheeseburger, he got himself a salad (huh? Well... the boy definitely isn't like all the man I know), we got out, we ate it at fresh air. My head stoped hurting, for that time being. 

Then we went to a park and I said my first bus will come soon so we should head to the bus stop. He lead. We got lost. "Umm... it supposed to be somewhere here... but we are on the other side!" - he said. I turned around, I had no idea where we are but I was sure I can figure it out. I saw a half covered building with huge letters "wice". "wice, Katowice, Hotel Katowice... this way." - I said, leading us to a street I didn't know. The bus stop was near the Hotel Katowice - that I was sure. So I just had to get there. Piece of cake. 

5 mins later we were at the bus stop. The bus was already there, it was 19:29. I looked on the buss, read my city name on it (not doing 2x same mistake), asked the driver if he goes to my city (better make sure xD), waved to the boy and took the last free sitting spot, next to a guy. The bus moved. Apparently I was right in time - a few secs late and I would have to wait 40 mins for next one. I was quite happy with the spot I got although it was on the back this time at least I was sitting - there was some people standing. 

Soon I wasn't so happy anymore. The passenger next to me ended up to be... sleepy. He fall asleep 5 times, 2 times he landed on my shoulder. He was so heavy. What the hell - all the guys decided to use me as a support today or what? I tried to ignore him for a while but then pushed him out of me. He wake up and said sorry. I smiled and laughed, it definitely was an aspie laugh. I could feel it. My self-control was on limits. But I guess the guy was to tired to give a damn. He fall asleep on my shoulder one more time (same result) and 3 times he almost fell from his chair to the other side when he fell asleep to the other side. I laughed at this too, not knowing how to react. I felt sorry for him. Fortunately he stopped it after a few mins and tried his best to stay awake. 

He asked me "Is it the hall/ball/wall already?" (I couldn't understand because I kinda turned off my hearing sense). "Umm... what?", "Is it the hall/ball/wall already?" - he repeated?, "I don't know" - I answered and looked through the window, wondering what he might be asking me for. I realized I am in a city I know - I used to work there, we were near the stop I was usually getting 2 years ago and I figured he must be asking about a bus stop. "There will be a small bus stop soon and after that there will be the Jaworzno Center one" - I said. "There is a cemetery near here, right?". Cemetery? My memory moved. I quess there was a cemetery near here. Yeah, definitely, I could even see it through the windows of my old workplace. "Yes, it is right here" - I answered, pointing my finger at the window and the cemetery wall apeared right in front of us. "Thank you." - he said. Then he left on the Jaworzno Center stop and I realised a huge building - apparently a sports hall. So thats what he asked for! Well. I never paid attention to the building so I couldn't know. 

Then I got to my city, called my mom to give me a car ride home, get in my room and got to my evening routine. But then something hit me - headache got back! Worse then before! And I couldnt get rid of it for 3 next days and nights. Im not going to any big city cinema anymore. Never ever. It apparently makes me sick... 

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